Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Word Pair Essay

Since the first humans inhabited the planet, we have always had someone who pushed the envelope and thought outside the box. While some see these people as geniuses others see them as crazy. The question must be asked if these people who changed our lives time and time again were imaginative...or fanciful? The answer to this question and the distinction between the words lies in what those ‘geniuses’ gave us or what they tried to, as well as their thoughts.

Just what do imaginative and fanciful mean? Not surprisingly, their definitions are very similar. However, there is one key difference. While both deal with one’s imagination, imaginative is characterized by or bearing evidence of imagination (dictionary.com). It expresses a person’s imagination and creativity whereas fanciful, marked by fancy or unrestrained imagination rather than by reason and experience (Webster Dictionary), takes it too far, to the point where the thought or idea will usually never be real.

Imaginative and fanciful are both adjectives. Fanciful is rarely used and is elevated English while imaginative is used a lot and is considered standard English. Imaginative, which came from french in late 14c., has been around for a while with its meaning staying the same, which is having or showing creativity and imagination, and fanciful, which came from the combination of fancy + -ful in the 1620s.

The connotation of the words, much like their definitions, are similar. Both have the connotation of imaginary or have imaginary characteristics, with imaginative having a more positive connotation and fanciful having a more negative one. The words show inventiveness and creativeness, but with imaginative, the ideas are also productive and be put to good use. Both words are more abstract because they refer to ideas and thoughts rather than objects.  However, when it comes to being specific or general, you can clearly see imaginative as general and fanciful as specific. For example, in the quote: “Children are so creative and imaginative that they just bring you to life all over again.”(Moira Kelly), fanciful couldn’t work due to its negative connotation. Another example would be to take a simple animal, like a horse, and giving it wings or the ability to speak to show imaginative. However, giving it too much, like laser eyes, robotic wings, and a magical horn would make it become fanciful.

The distinction between the words imaginative and fanciful lies on the the question “Can it become a reality?” Anyone can see the distinction.  Although both words express creativity and imagination, the underlying difference is the respect that comes from the words. Imaginative has more respect than fanciful. This cause those who are imaginative to be seen as geniuses and those who are fanciful to be seen as crazy.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Journal Entry 8 (Pg.169-185)

A. Life seems good for Alice now. She's not ignored now and things go back to the way they were. She makes new friends and ha never been closer to her family. After that, it's just regular, everyday problems for Alice. As school starts, she decides that there's no need to keep a diary and writes one final entry. She died three weeks later from an overdose.

B. "I used to think I would get another diary after you are filled, or even that i would keep a diary or journal... with another part of herself as you have been to me. "(Pg.183-184)

This passage show how Alice has matured a lot since the first entry. She realized that now she should talk to others about her problems and decides to stop with the diary.

C. I believe that Alice's biggest accomplishment was going through all of this and not ending up as a statistic. She became stronger and wiser due to the experience and it gave her a dream. I do feel bad she couldn't do what she planned.

D. I happy for Alice that she still had her family even after going through what she did. If it wasn't for them, she may have not been able to come back from the dark.

Journal Entry 7 (Pg.145-168)

A. After the hallucinations, Alice is put in an asylum because of Jan and Marie. While in the asylum, she breaks down a little and wants nothing more than to leave. She meets several people in her ward, including a lecherous alcoholic and a 14 year old drug user and BP (read the bottom of Pg. 156 to find out what it means).After some time in the asylum, Alice's dad manages to get her out.

B. "I guess people can adjust to anything, even to being locked up in an institution."(Pg.159)

C. In a sense, I have been put in a place where i didn't want to be. With several problems I've caused in the house, I've been put in the proverbial doghouse and didn't like it.

D. Alice, while not trying to break down, slowly follows the routine in the asylum and stays out of trouble. It seems that's all can do until her parents get her out.

Journal Entry 6 (Pg.122-144)

A. Alice is being messed with the drug users at school and being ignored by the normal kids, but is able to meet someone who was kind to her. During this period, her grandma becomes sick and dies. Joel helps her through it. Just as things seem to return to normal, she ends up being hospitalized because someone puts some drugs into the peanuts she was eating. which caused her to hallucinate and cause harm to herself.

B. "Jan sidled up to me as I was walking down the ramp and whispered, 'You better tell your little tail-wagging sister not to accept candy from strangers or even from friends, especially your friends.'"(Pg. 129)

This passage shows how Jan tries to get even with Alice for calling her parents but takes it too far. Many people do this and involve someone's family in a personal discretion.

C. I see Alice as strong. She was able to try and live a normal life after all that happened to her.

D. Alice shows that there is a chance for people like her to quit. I believe others should follow her example.

Journal Entry 5 (Pg.98-121)

A. Alice calls her parents and life seems to return to normal for her. She has stayed away from drugs, her grades are up and her parents are happy. Some time later, Alice is somewhat outcasted because of what she did and those who use drugs try to pressure her to go back to using drugs. Her granddad had a stroke and died, leaving Alice and her family in a funk they slowly pull themselves out of.

B. "I have to force myself to concentrate in school. I didn't know that death took so much out of people. I feel completely drained still and have to force myself into everything i do."(Pg.120)

This passage show the effect death has on everyone. Just like Alice, some people have to force themselves to do things and the feel so drained. Everyone is affected but one person's death.

C. I see Alice as determined. Since she got back home, she has done everything to make sure she doesn't slip up and that her family is happy. Even with people messing with her at school, she does her best not to give in and to go through this.

D. Alice has gotten a lot better at this point. She seems stronger, more appreciative, and more willing to comply with her parents. She shows a lot of strength in giving up drugs and moving forward. She might weaken alittle but she will remain strong.

Journal Entry 4 (Pg. 74-97)

A. When Alice come home, everything is good. She feels loved, happy, and safe. As school starts back, Alice and Chris end up smoking and getting caught. Alice leaves and goes to a shelter and meets Doris. After some time, she's completely addicted and now does whatever she can just to get high. Even as she realizes whats she doing, she just gives up.

B. "Adolescents have a very rocky insecure time. Grown-ups treat them like children and yet expect them to act like adults. They give them orders like little animals, then expect them to react like mature, and always rational, self-assured persons of legal stature."(pg.76)

This passage show how Alice feels when it comes to parents. Everyone ends up feeling this at one point, especially when they're disagreeing with their parents.

C. If I met Alice, I'd ask her why she seemed to give up and give into drugs. She said she wouldn't let this happen again and I believe she should try to accept her parents help.

D. Alice has given up quickly. It's like she didn't even try to fight it. I can honestly say that i do and don't feel sorry for her and others like her. They seem to ignore everyone who doesn't agree with them and continue to ruin their lives just for a high.

Journal Entry 3 (Pg.49-73)

A. Alice and Chris become really close and Alice tries pot. She falls in love with Richie and begins selling drug for him to other users. When she find out he's gay, she gets him sent to jail and her and Chris leave to San Francisco. After getting a cheap apartment, both manage to find good jobs and become close with their bosses. At one of Shelia's, Chris's boss, they all take drugs and Shelia and he 'boyfriend' raped and abused Alice and Chris. After that, they look for a new place and try to open their own store. While doing so, some kids come and hang out there while talking about getting high. As Christmas comes around, Alice want to go see her family again.

B. "Guess i was just a stupid, dumb kid asking to be taken, and I was! Man, was I ever! But next time I won't be so stupid, except there won't be any next time! I will never ever, ever, under any circumstances use drugs again. They are the root and cause of this whole rotten, stinking mess I am in, and I wish with all my heart and soul that I never had heard of them."(Pg.60)

This passage shows Alice realizing what she has done and promises to herself not to fall in the same situation ever again. It's at this point that things seem to look up for her. As long she keep this promise, things will get better for her.

C. What challenges did the main character face?
Alice tries to get clean and get away before she gets back into drugs. It's hard for her to do this but she does. However, when she uses drugs and Shelia's parties, she repeated the process and left  so she couldn't be near drugs again, which became harder for her.

D. Alice is getting better. After realizing her mistakes, she does her best to try and correct them. Now she is trying to stay away from drugs and now trying to stay positive.