Monday, May 28, 2012

Journal Entry 2 (Pg.25-48)

A. Alice is at her grandparents' house and is very bored. while looking for a present for Alex, she meets Jill and they talk and hang out. When they go to a party, Alice drinks a coke with LSD in it and experiences her first high. After that, she thinks about trying other drugs. She later meets Bill and does a few more drugs. Later, her granddad had a heart attack and she tries to stop doing drugs.  She goes to Bill's house and decides to take some acid for her 'last' trip and ends up having sex with Bill, which causes her to stress about Roger and he family finding out and getting pregnant. As Alice gets more stressed out, she takes some sleeping pills and becomes addicted to them and tranquilizers. She meets a girl named Chris that understand her and gave another drug. She now takes drugs to get through the day and begins to dislike her parents.

B. "Last night was the bitter end. Mom and Dad flowed tears and flowers about how much they love me and how worried they've been about my attitude since I got back from Gran's. They hate my hair, which they still want me to wear in a flip like the kiddies, and they talked and talked and talked, but never once did they even hear one thing I was trying to say to them. In fact at the beginning, when they were telling me about their deep concern, I had the overwhelming desire to break down and tell them everything. I wanted to tell them! I wanted more than anything in the world to know that they understood, but naturally they just kept on talking and talking because they are incapable of really understanding anything. If only parents would listen! If only they would let us talk instead of forever and eternally and continuously harping and preaching and nagging and correcting and yacking, yacking, yacking! But they won't listen! They simply won't or can't or don't want to listen, and we kids keep winding up back in the same old frustrating, lost, lonely corner with no one to relate to either verbally or physically."(Pg.44-45)

This passage shows how not only Alice, but many kids see their parents. They feel as thou they have no say and their parents don't care about their opinions and eventually end up with so much bottled inside since they can't seem to find someone to relate to. And this could cause and inevitable distance between the two.

C. What are the traits you see in the main character?
Alice is curious and at the same time scared. When she first takes LSD, she thought of trying other drugs but at the same tried to convince herself that drugs are bad. After that, she tries different kinds of drugs.

D. Now that Alice has tried drugs, she now is thorn on whether to continue or not. As more days go by, she seems to try and stop fight and just continue taking drugs, even going as far as going to a doctor and lying to get some. Alice's life is slowly spiraling down and if she doesn't act quickly, things will only get worse.

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